Kulabukhova E.I., Kravchenko A.V., Zimina V.N., Pokrovskaya A.V.
Genetic markers for HIV infection progression and secondary diseases development
№3 / 2016
Podymova A.S.
Development of low-threshold access to examination for HIV infection in the Sverdlovsk Region
№3 / 2016
Plotnikova Yu.K., Ponomareva O.A., Revizor A.O., Kruglova E.A.
Analysis of the spread of drug resistance mutations in the HIV-1 pol gene among the HIV-infected in the Irkutsk Region
№3 / 2016
Kanestri V.G., Yagodkin М.V.
Use of non-boosted atazanavir in clinical practice
№2 / 2016
Sizova N.V., Volova L.Yu., Malyuzhenko I.V., Isaeva G.N., Koveleno A.Yu., Minaeva S.V., Topolskaya S.V., Voronin E.E., Okhonskaya L.V.
The first results of using the combined drug rilpivirine/tenofovir/emtricitabine in Russian patients with HIV infection in real clinical practice
№6 / 2015
Kravchenko A.V., Kanestri V.G.
HIV drug resistance: Dolutegravir is a second-generation HIV integrase inhibitor
№6 / 2015
Kozyrina N.V., Yurin O.G.
A virologic response as a hallmark of excellence: TDF/FTC or TDF/3TC
№6 / 2015
Kravchenko A.V., Orlova-Morozova E.A., Shimonova T.E., Kozyrev O.A., Nagimova F.I., Bychko V.V., Vostokova N.V., Zozulya O.V.
The efficacy and safety of a new Russian HIV non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (VM-1500, Elpivirine) as a component in an antiretroviral therapy regimen
№5 / 2015
Shuldyakov A.A., Ramazanova K.Kh., Sofyina A.V.
Prevention of vertical HIV transmission
№4 / 2015
Belyaeva V.V., Suvorova Z.K., Pokrovsky V.V.
Results of a study of the coverage through counselling during HIV testing and the reasons for coverage shortage in 32 regions of the Russian Federation
№4 / 2015
Kravchenko A.V.
Antiretroviral therapy regimens containing the HIV protease inhibitor saquinavir
№3 / 2015
Kravchenko A.V., Kanestri V.G., Gankina N.Yu.
Efficacy and safety of antiretroviral therapy regimens containing etravirine for HIV-infected patients
№2 / 2015