№5 / 2015

Problem-solving articles
Shandala M.G.
Microbiotic risks of the antimicrobial effects of disinfectant prevention of diseases
Epidemic situation
Bondarenko A.L., Abbasova S.V., Korobitsyn K.G.
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the Kirov Region at the present stage
Original investigations
Feldblium I.V., Golodnova S.O., Semerikov V.V.
The level and annual dynamics of S. pneumoniae carriage among different adult population groups
Mardanly S.G., Avdonina A.S., Rotanov S.V., Gotvyanskaya T.P., Tomashevskaya N.A., Mukhina A.I., Khozhainova M.P.
The detection rate of antibodies to TORCH agents in the residents of certain regions of the Russian Federation
Borisenko G.T., Kiklevich V.T.
Early diagnosis of ENT diseases in children with respiratory infection
Fokina E.G., Astrina O.S., Aleshina N.I., Mitrofanova M.Yu.
Is antithrombotic therapy necessary in erysipelas?
Reviews and lectures
Andreeva I.V., Stetsiouk O.U., Kozlov R.S.
Current approaches to the specific prevention of pneumococcal infection: Whom, when, what?
Exchange of experience
Kravchenko A.V., Orlova-Morozova E.A., Shimonova T.E., Kozyrev O.A., Nagimova F.I., Bychko V.V., Vostokova N.V., Zozulya O.V.
The efficacy and safety of a new Russian HIV non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (VM-1500, Elpivirine) as a component in an antiretroviral therapy regimen
Saltykova T.S., Romanenko V.V., Minaeva O.V.
Epidemiological and economic efficiencies of immunization with the commercial influenza vaccine Grippol® plus in the able-bodied adult population
History of medicine
Briko N.I., Sokоlova T.V., Klushkina V.V.
Epidemiological approach in F.F. Erisman’s prophylactic activity
Podunova L.G.
On the occasion of the 115th birth anniversary of Tikhon Efimovich Boldyrev, USSR Principal Sanitary Inspector

Бионика Медиа