Chernyavskaya O.A., Ioannidi E.A., Ogulchanskaya E.G.
A comparative analysis of changes in HIV/AIDS awareness among young people living in the Volgograd Region over the past decade
№6 / 2014
Sarmometov E.V., Sergevnin V.I., Shmagin D.V., Mikova O.E.
Primary HIV infection in the development of HIV/tuberculosis co-infection
№5 / 2014
Kozyrina N.V., Narsia R.S., Yurin O.G.
Abacavir and lamivudine as a nucleoside base of antiretroviral therapy
№5 / 2014
Moskvicheva M.G., Radzikhovskaya M.V., Kuzyukin N.N.
The specific features of HIV infection epidemic in the Chelyabinsk Region
№5 / 2014
Moskvicheva M.G., Radzikhovskaya M.V.
Experience with the HIV protease inhibitor fosamprenavir in first-line antiretroviral therapy regimens in the Chelyabinsk Region
№3 / 2014
Semenova N.Yu., Chebotareva T.V., Bogdanova L.I., Demidov V.I.
The clinical and morphological features of HIV-associated tuberculosis
№3 / 2014
Kanestri V.G.
Contribution of a fixed-dose abacavir/lamivudine combination to improving treatment compliance in HIV-infected patients
№6 / 2013
Gushchina Yu.Sh., Kubaeva M. B.
Prospects for the long-term efficaсay of fosamprenavir (telzir) used as part of antiretroviral therapy in hiv-infected patients
№6 / 2013
Pyadushkina E.A., Goryaynov S.V., Omelyanovsky V.V., Avxentyeva M.V., Rebrova O.Yu.
Clinicoeconomic analysis of the use of maraviroc versus other reserve drugs in patients who have experienced antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection
№5 / 2013
Volkova S.B., Podymova A.S.
Experience with the HIV protease inhibitor fosamprenavir in russian practice
№4 / 2013
Isaeva G.N., Kovelenov A.Yu.
The efficacy and safety of a second-generation nonnucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor as part of combination antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients
№4 / 2013
Sundukov A.V., Gafurov Yu.T., Evsyukov O. A.
Clinical and laboratory features of abnormalities in the cervix uteri, external genitals, and vagina in HIV-infected patients
№4 / 2013