1.  The article must have an official referral from the institution, where the work has been completed, and the head’s visa certified with a round seal on the first page.    

1.1. The article is printed in Times New Roman #14 at 1.5 intervals. It contains 60-62 characters per line, 30 lines per page. The pages should be numbered. The article and accompanying documents are sent to the Editorial Office by e-mail.

1.2. On the first page, first write the initials and surnames of the author(s), then the title of the article, the full name of affiliation(s), in which the work has been done, the city, the country. It is necessary to indicate in which affiliation each author works.

1.3. An abstract of 1500 characters is attached to each article. That to the original article should be structured as follows: the objective of the investigation; materials (subjects) and methods; results; and a conclusion. An abstract to the review article should contain a summary and correspond to the structure of the article. That to the paper “Clinical Notes” includes the background, a case report, and a conclusion. The abstract is followed by keywords (when choosing keywords, we recommend that the MeSH Thesaurus should be followed). The abstract and keywords (n = 4-6) are printed in italics, without indent; the sections are separated by a paragraph; the names of the sections are highlighted in bold.

1.3.1. Keywords (word combinations) should correspond to the topic of the article and reflect its subject and terminological area. They are given, by being preceded by the words “Keywords”, and separated by a comma. Generalized and polysemantic words, as well as word combinations that contain participial constructions are not used as a rule.   

1.4. Original articles, literature reviews, and papers in the section “Guidelines for the practitioner” should be no more than 15 pages in length.  Clinical notes should not contain be more than 8 pages. There must not be no more than 3 figures and/or 3 tables in the article. Information duplication should be avoided: quantitative data should not simultaneously be presented in the text and in the figures and/or tables.

The editorial board reserves its right to shorten articles.

1.5. The original articles should have the following sections: brief introduction, the material subjects) of an investigation, its results and discussion, conclusion or conclusions.

1.6. The authors should use the current Russian-language scientific terminology and not use loan translations transcribed from foreign words. Abbreviations (no more than 5) of words and names, except for generally accepted abbreviations of measures, physical and mathematical quantities and terms are allowed only with the initial indications of the full name.  Strictly specialized terms should be expanded. Using abbreviations in the title of the article is not recommended.

1.7. The author should carefully verify the article. The mathematical formulas must clearly mark all the elements: Latin and Greek letters, superscripts and subscripts, upper and lower case characters, letters and numbers which are similar in spelling.

1.8. The names of microorganisms are written in Latin and italics.

1.9. The methods of statistical analysis, which are used in the investigation, should be described at the end of the section “Materials (Subjects) and Methods”. The description and presentation of the results of statistical analysis must comply with the manual “Statistical Analysis and Methods in the Published Literature (SAMPL)”.

2. Tables should contain generalized and statistically processed data. Each table must have a number and a title. Measurement units are given in the SI system/

3. Illustrations (photos, figures, designs, diagrams) are attached in the text and in a separate file.

3.1. A general capture is given to the figure; then all numeric and alphabetic symbols are explained. The captions to the microphotos should indicate a staining method and magnification.

3.2. Photos must be provided in their original form, without retouching and color correcting.       

3.3. Images must be presented in TIFF, highest-quality JPG formats.

3.4. The image size must be at least 1500*1500 pixels.

3.5. The shooting object must be in focus.

Photos are not accepted in the Word program.

4. References attached to the article should include the works of Russian and foreign authors over the past 5-7 years. There are no more than 30 references in the original articles and no more 50 references in the reviews.

4.1. Their list is compiled according to the rules for designing the article lists (bibliography) forauthors in terms of the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” of the International Committee of Editors of Medical Journals) (see the appendix).

4.2 Bibliographic references should be numbered; they are given in the text in square brackets in accordance with the list of references. 

4.3. The author is fully responsible for the accuracy of the data in the list of references.

4.4. References to dissertations, abstracts and author’s abstracts are not recognized by the international community, so they should not be given.

5. After the list of references, data on each author should be provided in Russian and English. The authors who publish for the first time are recommended to use the British Standards Institution (BSI) standard. For transliteration, you can use the transliteration service on the website https://translit.ru/ru/.

5.1. The basic information about the author contains:

  • the author’s first name, patronymic, and surname (in full);
  • the name of the institution or organization, its subdivision where the author works or studies (without designing the legal entity’s organizational and legal form: federal state budgetary institution of science (FSBIS), federal state budgetary educational institution (FSBEI), public joint stock company (PJSC), stock company (SC), etc.);
  • town (city) and country;
  • the author’s email address (without the words «e-mail»);
  • the researcher’s public identifier Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) (if available) is given in the form of an e-mail address in the Internet (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9166-9361). There is no dot at end of the ORCID.

6. Authorship

6.1. The author is bound to sign the article. The collective article must be signed by all authors, by showing the role of each (author contributions).

By putting his signature under the article, the author thereby transfers his right to the editorial board to publish the article, guarantees its originality and certifies that neither the latter itself nor the figures to the article have not been published earlier or sent to other periodicals.

6.2. When identifying the authorship, the ICJME criteria should be followed.

7. The proof is not sent to the authors.

8. The author must have accurate and complete information on the investigation described in the article, which can be submitted upon request.     

9. The author has no right to submit one article for publication in several scientific publications. If the article has information that has been previously published, the author is obliged to indicate its source and the author of the cited information.

10. The author must confirm that his article is original and indicate the sources of the cited information.

11. The author is responsible for the compliance with national and local laws when conducting investigations involving humans and animals (for example, the Helsinki Declaration of the WMA; the National Institutes of Health (NIH) policy in animal investigations; the EU Directive on animal research). The author must obtain permission for publication from a human being (persons), who has participated in the investigation, and respect confidentiality.

Approval of the Ethics Committee for all articles describing a human investigation. The authors should indicate that the investigation has been approved by the Ethics Committee of organization/institution.

Patient consent to publications. The patient(s) has (have) signed an informed consent form for the publication of his (their) data (and illustrations).

11.1. Acknowledgements. The authors may express their gratitude to the persons and organizations, which have contributed to the preparation of the article.

11.2. Information about the sources of financing. It is necessary to indicate the source of funding for the investigation, preparation of a review or a lecture (the name of the planned research conducted according to the governmental assignment, Grant No. and the name of the foundation, commercial or governmental organization, etc.).

11.3. Information about the contribution of the authors in writing the article. It is advisable for author groups to indicate the contribution of each author to the investigation and preparation of the manuscript. The options for participation can be as follows: the concept and design of the investigation; writing the text; material collection and processing; review of literature; material analysis; statistical processing; editing.

11.4. Information about a conflict of interest. It is necessary to declare that there is or is not a potential conflict of interests (for example, competing interests that, according to the author, may have a direct or indirect impact on the publication process) (see the ICJME guidelines).

12. If a significant error is identified in the publication, the author must immediately inform the editor about it. Throughout the publication process, the author is obliged to cooperate with the editor and publisher after adding, shortening, subtracting, and correcting the article, if necessary. If a significant error, inaccurate data, etc. are detected after publication, the editorial board reserves the right to withdraw the published article.

13. The author is fully responsible for the possible plagiary of the text, figures, etc. When reviewing the journal, the journal’s Editorial Board verifies the material, by using the Anti-plagiarism system. When numerous borrowings are detected, the Editorial Board acts in accordance with the COPE’s rules.   

14. When reviewing the author's materials received, the Editorial Board is guided by the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (Intern. Committee of Medical Journal Editors // Ann. Intern. Med. 1997; 126: 36–47), the EASE principles, and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity.

15. There is no fee for the publication of articles.

16. The articles submitted in violation of the rules of registration are not considered.

Articles should be sent to the Editorial Board:
е-mail: epidinf@yandex.ru


Rules for designing the literature article reference lists

The correct description of the sources used in the literature lists is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when assessing the scientific activities of its authors and organizations, in which they work.

1. Moreover:

  • it is undesirable to include anonymous sources and regulatory documents (resolutions, laws, instructions, etc.) in the literature lists, which will never be indexed in the citation databases; it is preferable to quote them directly in the text or in-text footnotes;
  • it is undesirable in the literature lists to use low-circulation, as well as local, popular, and educational  sources: dissertation abstracts and dissertations, unpublished reports, teaching aids, and text-books;
  • arbitrary abbreviations of the titles of journals are not allowed. It is recommended whether there are abbreviations in the list compiled by the ISSN Center: the List of Title World Abbreviations (LTWA)); if there are no recommendations to shorten the words, their full spelling should be given.

2. In the list of literature, all works are listed in the order of citation (the references to them are available in the text). No more than 30 sources can be cited in the original articles; the reviews of literature may have no more than 50 sources; there may be as many as 15 sources in the lectures and other materials. The bibliographic description of Russian journals is complete, that of foreign journals should correspond to the PubMed or MEDLINE style.

If the cited article has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), it is necessary to specify it at the end of literature reference. The publications are sought by the DOI number on the International DOI Foundation (IDF) and CrossRef websites. The DOI can be found there for the cited article.

3. The list of references should correspond to the format recommended by the American National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and adopted by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for Library’s MEDLINE/PubMed databases. NLM: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine,      

4. The order of describing the source:

1) the author(s) of an article or a book; if the editors are the authors of the books, «ed.» should be specified after their surname; «ed.»  or «eds.» should be given in the foreign sources;

2) the title of an article or a book;

3) the output data [the journal name, year, volume, number in parenthesis (if any), page numbers from … to … for journal articles); city (town), publisher, year, and number of pages  for books].

5. In order to enhance the citation of authors, to meet the requirements of the RSCI and foreign bibliographic databases, transliteration of Russian-language sources is provided. The authors’ surnames and initials are transliterated using the generally accepted encodings. The titles of journals (in full) are also transliterated, if they are not indexed in the Pubmed database. If the journal is indexed, you should provide its abbreviated name; as well as the translation of the title of the article and the transliteration of the authors’ first name, surname, and patronymics, which are used in the PubMed. It is recommended to use the online service http://www.translit.ru. The foreign authors’ surnames are given in the original transcription. The titles of articles, monographs, books, collections are given in square brackets in English translation. At the end of the description, the note (In Russ.) should be added.


Examples of designing the references

Journal articles

Vasilenko N.F., Prislegina D.A., Manin E.A., Volynkina A.S., Lisitskaya Yа.V., Shaposhnikova L.I. et al. [Current feral herd infections in the Caucasian Mineral Waters Region of the Stavropol Territory]. Epidemiоlоgy and infectious diseases. Сurrent items 2023; 13(1): 18–24. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18565/epidem.2023.13.1.18–24

Mahmud S., Al Kanaani Z., Abu-Raddad L.J. Characterization of the hepatitis C virus epidemic in Pakistan. BMC Infect. Dis. 2019; 19(1): 1–11. DOI:10.1186/s12879-019-4403-7


Pokrovsky V.V. [Lectures on HIV infection.]. Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2018. 848 p. (In Russ.).

Akimkin V.G., Tvorogova M.G., eds. [Laboratory diagnosis of infectioous diseases]. Moscow, 2020. 480 p. (In Russ.).

Book Chapter

Diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart failure. In: National clinical guidelines]. 4th ed. Moscow: Silicea-Poligraf, 2012; 203–96. (In Russ.)

Abuhamad A.Z. Obstetric ultrasound. In: Evans A.T., ed. Manual of obstetrics. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2017: 562–76.

Materials of Scientific Conferences

Nikolaev М.К., Platonov A.E., Koroleva I.S., Yakovenko M.L. Epidemiological monitoring of Hib meningitis in four towns of the far East and Siberia. Materials of the Second Russian Conference “Current Problems of Meningococcal and Purulent Bacterial Meningitides”. Moscow., 2008: 38. (In Russ.)

Karan L.S., Platonov A.E., Sannikova I.V. Eremenko E.I., Vasilenko N.F., Solodovnikov B.V. Viral load during Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and its clinical significance. Abstracts Book of International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta, 2004: 125.

Electronic Resources

WHO. Global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunical diseases 2013–2020 http://www.who.int/nmh/publications/ncd-action-plan/ru/
Guidelines for the Clinical Management and Treatment of HIV-infected Adults in Europe (Version 8.0; October, 2015). European AIDS Clinical Society. http://www.europeanaidsclinicalsociety.org.

Бионика Медиа