Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases » Search Articles by Keyword
Found: 5 articles
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Chekanova T.A., Loktionova M.N., Petremgvdlishvili K., Ladnyi V.I., Akimkin V.G.
The contribution of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology to the improvement of the System of Epizootological and Epidemiological Surveillance for Anthrax in the Russian Federation
№2 / 2023
Zhukova E.V., Nikitina G.Yu., Nozdracheva A.V., Orlova O.A., Gotvyanskaya T.P., Burova A.A., Maziy S.A.
Multidisciplinary approach to assessing the risks of healthcare-associated infections in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
№1 / 2022
Abuova G.N., Pshenichnaya N.Yu., Berdalieva F.A., Khodzhabekov B.K., Ermakova L.A.
Prediction of an outcome in Crimean hemorrhagic fever
№4 / 2019
Belyaeva V.V., Adigamov M.M.
Prevention of human immunodeficiency virus infection: awareness, perceptions of individual risk of contamination, change in behavior
№6 / 2016
Shestopalov N.V.
The topical problems of disinfectology and the tasks to ensure sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population
№6 / 2013
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