Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases » Search Articles by Keyword
Found: 6 articles
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Kovalev D.A., Kuznetsova I.V., Zhirov A.M., Serdyuk N.S., Zhilchenko E.B., Ponomarenko D.G., Vodopyanov A.S., Vodopyanov S.O., Kulichenko A.N.
Genetic typing of Brucella melitensis strains on the basis of variability analysis of INDEL loci
№1 / 2022
Levchenko D.A., Arkhangelskaya I.V., Kruglikov V.D., Gaevskaya N.E., Ezhova M.I., Rengach M.V.
Results of monitoring Vibrio cholerae in the Republic of Kalmykia in 2013–2017
№4 / 2019
Kruglikov V.D., Levchenko D.A., Vodopyanov A.S., Nepomnyashchaya N.B.
PCR genotyping of non-toxigenic Vibrio cholerae strains as one of approaches to their actualization in terms of epidemiological surveillance of cholera
№2 / 2018
Alimov A.V., Ustyuzhanin A.V., Novoselov A.V., Demchuk N.S., Sannikova L.B., Kadyrova O. Yu., Pankov A.P.
Molecular genetic analysis of HIV-1 among prisoners on antiretroviral therapy in the penitentiary facilities of the Sverdlovsk Region
№5 / 2017
Golitsyna L.N., Fomina S.G., Parfenova O.V., Klimova L.L., Kalashnikova N.A., Novikova N.A.
Genotyping in the monitoring of enteroviruses, pathogens of serous meningitis
№2 / 2013
Anpilova N.G., Koroleva I.S., Stasenko V.L., Vaitovich M.A.
Manifestations of the epidemic process of meningococcal infection in the Omsk Region
№2 / 2013
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