Kruglikov V.D., Levchenko D.A., Vodopyanov A.S., Nepomnyashchaya N.B.
Rostov-on-Don Anti-Рlague Research Institute, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Rostov-on-Don, Russia;
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4. Pisanov R.V., Ezhova M.I., Monahova E.V., Cherkasov A.V., Krasnov Ya.M., Vodopyanov A.S., Kul’shan T.A., Livanova L.F., Portenko S.A., Abdrashitova A.S., Kruglikov V.D., Titova S.V. [Features of the genome structure of the toxigenic strain Vibrio cholerae El Tor Inaba, isolated in 2014 from an open reservoir in Rostov-on-Don]. Problemy osobo opasnykh infektsiy 2015; (2): 63–7. (In Russ.)
5. Onishhenko G.G., Popova A.Yu., Kutyrev V.V., Smirnova N.I., Shherbakova S.A., Moskvitina Je.A., Titova S.V. [Actual problems of epidemiological surveillance, laboratory diagnostics and cholera prevention in the Russian Federation]. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii. Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 2016; (1): 89–101. (In Russ.)
6. Titova S.V., Moskvitina Je.A., Kruglikov V.D., Samorodova A.V., Tuleneva E.G, Monahova E.V., Pisanov R.V., Vodopyanov A.S., Arhangelskaya I.V., Ivanova S.M., Kovaleva T.V., Vodopyanov S.O. [Cholera: assessment of the epidemiological situation in the world and in Russia in 2006–2015. Forecast for 2016]. Problemy osobo opasnykh infektsiy 2016; (1): 20–7. (In Russ.)
7. Zubkova D.A., Kruglikov V.D., Arhangelskaya I.V., Vodopyanov A.S., Nepomnyashhaya N.B., Vodopyanov S.O. [Genetic features of strains of Vibrio cholerae O1 serogroups ctxA-tcpA+, isolated from water objects of the Russian Federation, characterized with the help of a new geoinformation system]. Zdorovye naseleniye i sreda obitaniya 2014; (9): 32–5. (In Russ.)
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9. Onishhenko G.G., Lomov Yu.M., Moskvitina E.A., Podosinnikova L.S., Vodyanickaya S.Yu., Prometnoy V.I., Monahova E., Vodopyanov C.O., Telesmanich N.R., Dudina N.A. [Epidemic manifestations of cholera due to Vibrio cholerae O1 ctxAB-tcpA+]. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii. Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 2007; (1): 23–9. (In Russ.)
10. Monahova E.V. [Factors of pathogenicity of non-cholerogenic strains of Vibrio cholerae]. Dr. Biol. Diss. Rostov-on-Don, 2012. (In Russ.)
11. Smirnova N.I. Agafonov D.A., Shhelkanova E.Ju., Zadnova S.P., Cherkasov A.V., Kutyrev V.V. [Genotoviruses of the causative agent of cholera El Tor: preparation, molecular genetic and proteomic analysis]. Molekulyarnaya genetika, mikrobiologiya i virusologiya 2014; (1): 21–30. (In Russ.)
12. Monakhova E.V. Phenotypic and molecular characteristics of epidemic and non-epidemic Vibrio cholerae strains isolated in Russia and certain countries of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Epidemiological and Molecular Aspects on Cholera. Springer Science+Business Media, 2010; (4): 51–78.
13. Kulikalova E.S., Urbanovich L.Ya., Sappo S.G., Mironova L.V., Markov E.Yu., Mal’nik V.V., Korzun V.M., Mitkeeva S.K., Balahonov S.V. [Biofilm Cholera vibrio: obtaining, characterization and role in the reservoir reservation in the aquatic environment]. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii. Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 2015; (1): 3–11. (In Russ.)
14. Titova S.V., Monahova E.V., Arhangelskaya I.V., Pisanov R.V., Nepomnyashhaya N.B. [Natural populations of cholera vibrios as a reservoir of genes of pathogenicity factors]. Zdorovye naseleniya i sreda obitaniya 2016; (5): 45–7. (In Russ.)
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16. Levchenko D.A., Kruglikov V.D., Vodopyanov A.S., Titova S.V., Arhangelskaya I.V., Nepomnyashhaya N.B., Ezhova M.I. [GIS: the possibilities of analyzing phenotyping and genotyping data of Cholerae O1 El-Tor, isolated from water bodies of the environment on the territory of the Russian Federation]. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii. Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 2016; (6): 9–25. (In Russ.)
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18. Titova S.V., Monahova E.V. [On the potential danger of nontoxigenic strains of cholera vibrios containing genes of toxin-regulated adhesion pills]. Èpidemiologiâ i infekcionnye bolezni. Аktual’nye voprosy 2016; (5): 65–72. (In Russ.)
19. Osina N.A., Kalyaeva T.B., Bugorkova T.V., Kas’yan I.A., Obrotkina N.F. [Results of monitoring of cholera vibrios in aquatic ecosystems on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia]. Zdorovye naseleniya i sreda obitaniya 2013; 2 (239): 28–30. (In Russ.)
20. Kruglikov V.D., Levchenko D.A., Vodopyanov A.S., Arhangelskaya I.V., Ezhova M.I. [Comparative analysis of applied PCR and VNTR-genotyping of strains of Vibrio cholerae O1 ctxA-tcpA+]. Molekulyarnaya diagnostika 2017; (1): 341–2. (In Russ.)
For citations: Kruglikov V.D., Levchenko D.A., Vodopyanov A.S., Nepomnyashchaya N.B. PCR genotyping of nontoxigenic Vibrio cholerae strains as one of approaches to their actualization in terms of epidemiological surveillance of cholera. Èpidemiologiâ i infekcionnye bolezni. Аktual’nye voprosy 2018; (2):28–35
For correspondence:
Darya A. Levchenko, Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Cholera Microbiology, Rostov-on-Don Research Anti-Plague Institute, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being
Address: 117/40, Maxim Gorky Street, Rostov-on-Don 344002, Russia
Теlеphоne: +7 (863) 240-91-33
Information about the authors:
Vladimir D. Kruglikov, MD, Head, Laboratory of Cholera Microbiology, Rostov-on-Don Research Anti-Plague Institute, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail:
Aleksey S. Vodopyanov, Cand. Med. Sci., Senior Researcher, Head, Group of Virology, Rostov-on-Don Research Anti-Plague Institute, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail:
Natalia B. Nepomnyaschaya, Researcher, Group of Molecular Biology, Rostov-on-Don Research Anti-Plague Institute, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail: nepomnyaschaya