The epidemic situation of HIV infection in the Ryazan Region over 2011–2020 and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV incidence rates


Senkina E.L. Demchenko M.A.

Acad. I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russia
Objective. To identify the main patterns of the epidemic process of HIV infection among the population of the Ryazan Region (RR) and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the course of the epidemic process of HIV infection.
Materials and methods. A retrospective epidemiological analysis of the incidence of HIV infection in the RR population over 2011–2020 was carried out using materials from the official statistics of the Directorate of the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being and the Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS and Communicable Diseases in the RR.
Results. The HIV incidence, prevalence, and mortality rates in the RR tend to increase (1.5, 3.5, and 3.6%, respectively). In 2011–2020, HIV infection was associated with heterosexual (51.4%) and homosexual (3.1%) contacts and intravenous drug use (44.6%). In 2020, there was a decline in the number of detected new cases of HIV infection by 20.8% and in that of the examinees by 8.4%.
Conclusion. The HIV infection epidemic situation remains tense in the RR. During the double pandemic, the prognosis in HIV incidence may be worse, which is related to an excessive burden on the healthcare system and can result in a decrease in the number of HIV tests, new detected HIV cases, and the quality of medical care for patients.


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About the Autors

Elena L. Senkina, Cand. Med. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Acad. I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russia;;; SPIN 8750-2015
Maria A. Demchenko, Chairman, Microbiology SNC, 6-year Student, Faculty of Medicine and Prevention, Acad. I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russia,,, SPIN 8144-0823

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