Awareness and behavioral risks regarding HIV infection among women providing sexual services in St. Petersburg


Piskarev I.G., Odinokova V.A., Maslova I.A., Petrova V.G., Vinogradova T.N., Usacheva N.M.

1) Centre for Control AIDS and Infectious Diseases, St. Petersburg, Russia; 2) Regional Public Organization of Social Projects in the Sphere of Population Welfare «Stellit», St. Petersburg, Russia; 3) Fund for Preventive Programs of Socially Significant Diseases «Astarta», St. Petersburg, Russia; 4) St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Objective. Assessment of HIV awareness and behavioral risks among women providing sexual services in St. Petersburg.
Materials and methods. An integrated behavioral and seroepidemiological study covered 401 women providing sexual services in St. Petersburg in July–September 2022.
Results. HIV prevalence was 3.5%. 2 out of 3 women knew their HIV status; 9 out of 10 used a condom during their last sexual intercourse with a client; 8 out of 10 participated in HIV prevention programs in the last 12 months. Comparison with previous studies does not provide grounds to talk about an increase in HIV prevalence among women providing sexual services in St. Petersburg.
Conclusion. It is necessary to continue implementing preventive programs for women providing sexual services, increase their access to acute addiction treatment, psychological and social assistance, and develop programs to prevent the involvement of minors in sexual exploitation.


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About the Autors

Igor G. Piskarev, Head, Department of Prevention and Medical and Social Work, St-Petersburg Center for Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, St-Petersburg, Russia;
Veronika A. Odinokova, Cand. Social Sci., Executive Director, Regional Public Organization of Social Projects in the Sphere of Population Welfare «Stellit», St. Petersburg, Russia;;
Irina A. Maslova, Director, Fund for Preventive Programs of Socially Significant Diseases «Astarta», St. Petersburg, Russia;
Veronika G. Petrova, Physician-Methodologist, Department of Prevention and Medical and Social Work, St-Petersburg Center for Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, St-Petersburg, Russia;
Tatyana N. Vinogradova, Cand. Med. Sci., Chief Physician, St-Petersburg Center for Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, St-Petersburg, Russia;; http://–0003–1995–4755
Nina M. Usacheva, Chief Specialist, RC «Center for Applied Sociology», St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia;; 8722-3976

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