Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russia, Izhevsk, Russia
The paper presents the currently available data in the Russian and foreign literature on latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and its role in the risk of tuberculosis (TB) in various population groups, including in those with HIV infection. The greatest risk of TB in people with LTBI is shown to occur in HIV infection: it increases by 10% every year. Allergy skin tests (Mantoux test and Diaskintest), detection of MBT antigens (PCR) and antibodies (ELISA) and in vitro tests based on the production of interferon-γ by various MBT antigens are now used in the Russian Federation for the diagnosis of LTBI. Based on the findings, the author defines treatment tactics and regimen for LTBI. The paper considers the topical issues of chemoprophylaxis of TB in HIV-infected patients and presents effective treatment regimens aimed at reducing the risk of TB reactivation rates and adverse reactions and at lowering the drug load on the patient. Obtaining new LTBI knowledge will contribute to the solution of the important task – to the control of the progression of TB in patients with HIV infection.
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About the Autors
Oleg E. Russkikh, MD, Associate Professor, Head, Department of Phthisiology, Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russia, Izhevsk, Russia, e-mail: olegr22@mail.ru