Belyaeva V.V., Kozyrina N.V., Kuimova U.A., Goliusova M.D., Narkevich A.N.
1) Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russia; 2) Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
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Valentina V. Belyaeva, МD, Leading Researcher, Department of Epidemiology and Prevention of AIDS, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russia; е-mail:; ORCID:
Nadezhda V. Kozyrina, Cand. Med. Sci., Senior Researcher, Department of Epidemiology and Prevention of AIDS, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russia; е-mail:; ORCID: htpp://
Ulyana A. Kuimova, Cand. Med. Sci., Researcher, Department of Epidemiology and Prevention of AIDS, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russia; е-mail:; ORCID:
Marina D. Goliusova, Infectious Diseases Specialist, Department of Epidemiology and Prevention of AIDS, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russia; е-mail:
Artem N. Narkevich, Cand. Med. Sci., Associate Professor, Head, Department of Medical Cybernetics and Informatics; Head, Laboratory of Medical Cybernetics and Management in Healthcare, Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Russia; е-mail:; ORCID: