Features of the course and outcomes of shigellosis in different premorbid conditions
Tagirova Z.G.
Dagestan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Makhachkala, Russia
Objective. To establish the current characteristics of the course and outcomes of shigellosis in patients with different premorbid conditions.
Subjects and methods. A total of 214 patients with prior shigellosis were followed up for 6 months. Those who had gastrointestinal complaints underwent standard examination of the digestive system.
Results. Shigellosis occurred most severely in the presence of chronic gastrointestinal tract diseases, as well as in immunocompromised persons, as manifested by prolonged hyperthermia and protracted diarrhoea. The feature of shigellosis in the Republic of Dagestan is high (about 30%) concomitant contamination with parasites, which increases the duration of the main manifestations of shigellosis, primarily hyperthermia. Previously existing gastroenterological symptoms appeared or became intensified in 55.6% of patients during late convalescence. Examinations showed that 87.4% of them had intestinal dysbiosis; coprology revealed syndromum colidistale in three quarters of the patients and malabsorption in one half; colonoscopy detected proctocolitis in 77.4%. 19.2% of cases developed postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome that was generally accompanied by malabsorption and bacterial overgrowth syndrome.
Conclusion. The treatment of patients with shigellosis in the presence of compromised premorbid conditions should include a component of the prevention of postinfectious gastroenterological disease just in the acute period of the disease.
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About the Autors
For correspondence:
Zarema G. Tagirova, Cand. Med. Sci., Associate Professor, G.P. Rudnev Department of Infectious Diseases, Dagestan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia
Address: 14, Markova St., Makhachkala 367009, Russia
E-mail: tagirovaz05@mail.ru
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