Epidemiology of echinococcosis in the Northern Region of Russia

Utenkova E.O., Baramzina S.V., Oparina L.V.

1 Kirov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Kirov, Russia; 2 Directorate for the Kirov Region, Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Kirov, Russia
The Kirov Region is a natural focus of echinococcosis. In recent years, there has been an increase in the incidence of this infection.
Objective. To investigate the epidemiological features of echinococcosis in the region.
Subjects and methods. The data of epidemiological survey maps of 36 patients treated for echinococcosis from 2007 to 2015 were used. Among them, there were 22 women and 14 men. The diagnosis in all the patients was confirmed by a serological assay (enzyme immunoassay, indirect hemagglutination test), ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT).
Results. Among the patients, there were more than 50% of patients aged over 50 years. Infection more frequently occurred when gathering wild berries. Workers, white-collar workers, pensioners, and the unemployed were equally often ill. The patients mainly complained of heaviness and pain in the liver. 20% of patients had false-negative serological tests. The final diagnosis was generally established after MRI and CT. The majority of patients received surgical treatment and chemotherapy. A fatal outcome was recorded for the last time in 2002. An extract from the case history of a female patient who had died from echinococcosis was given as a clinical example.
Conclusion. The epidemiological features of echinococcosis in the Kirov Region are the absence of its cases among children; the predominance of echinococcosis among female patients aged over 50 years; and the greatest risk for echinococcosis when gathering wild berries. Among the forms of echinococcosis, alveococcosis with predominant liver involvement was dominant in the region.


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About the Autors

For correspondence:
Elena O. Utenkova, MD, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Kirov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia
Address: 112, Karl Marx St., Kirov 610002, Russia
Telephone: +7(8332) 33-03-98
E-mail: utelol@mail.ru
Information about the authors:
Svetlana V. Baramzina, Cand. Med. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases, Kirov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Kirov, Russia; e-mail: sw3837@mail.ru
Lubov V. Oparina, Chef, Department of Epidemiological Surveillance, Directorate for the Kirov Region, Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being the Kirov Region, Kirov, Russia;
e-mail: rpn@43.rospotrebnadzor.ru

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