Found: 3 articles

Article Edition
Fedorova I.M., Popova O.P., Blyakher M.S., Koteleva S.I., Skirda T.A., Kapustin I.V., Ramazanovа Z.K., Tulskaya E.A., Sandalova S. .V., Odintsov E.E., Shvetsova Yu.V.
Formation of specific T-cell and humoral immunity in unvaccinated and vaccinated children with pertussis
№1 / 2024
Druzhinina T.A., Shoshin A.A., Cheprasova ­ E.V., Popova O.V.
Epidemiology of pertussis in the Yaroslavl Region during planned mass immunization
№2 / 2017
Rusakova E.V., Semenenko T.A., Shcherbakov A.G., Nikolayeva O.G., Shaposhnikov A.A.
The present epidemic situation of infections controlled by mass immunization in West Siberia
№6 / 2012

Бионика Медиа