Found: 3 articles

Article Edition
Kanestri V.G., Popova A.A., Kulabukhova E.I., Shakhgildyan V.I.
Impact of the organism’s genetic traits on the development of secondary and concomitant diseases in patients with HIV infection
№4 / 2020
Ermak T.N.
Rare opportunistic lesions caused by protozoa in patients with HIV infection
№3 / 2020
Safonova A.P., Domonova E.A., Skachkova T.S., Romanyuk T.N., Shipulina O.Yu., Kireyev D.E., Vengerov Yu.Ya., Serebryakov E.M., Ivannikov E.V., Martynova N.N., Shipulin G.A.
Use of molecular biological techniques in the etiological diagnosis of opportunistic infections of the central nervous system in HIV-infected patients
№3 / 2012

Бионика Медиа