Results of post-registration study of efficacy and safety of antiretroviral therapy schemes including elsulfavirine in previously non-treated HIV-infected patients (PASS-1)


Kravchenko A.V., Shimonova I.E., Ulyanova Y.S., Kuznetsova A.V, Isaeva G.N., Sizova N.V., Palaguta A.E., Baburina A.R., Shevchenko V.V., Ulchiekova M.A., Fisenko E.G., Radzikhovskaya M.V., Musatov V.B., Anoprienko E.A., Malyugina N.E., Pokrovskaya A.V., Zhuravkova O.L., Elistratova O.V., Volova L.Yu., Ushakova A.A., Lomakina E.A., Laseeva M.G., Terekhova M.V.

1) Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russia ; 2) Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital No. 2 of the Moscow City Health Department, Moscow, Russia; 3) City Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital No. 1, Novosibirsk, Russia; 4) Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Khabarovsk, Russia; 5) Leningrad Region Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, St. Petersburg, Russia; 6) St. Petersburg Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, St. Petersburg, Russia; 7) Clinical Center for the AIDS Prevention and Control, Krasnodar, Russia; 8) Regional Center for the AIDS Prevention and Control, Astrakhan, Russia; 9) Altai Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Barnaul, Russia; 10) Center for the AIDS Prevention and Control, Gorno-Altaysk, Russia; 11) AIDS Prevention and Control Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; 12) Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Chelyabinsk, Russia; 13) S.P. Botkin Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital, St. Petersburg, Russia; 14) AIDS Prevention and Control Center, Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District, Russia; 15) AIDS Prevention and Control Center, Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District, Russia; 16) Magadan Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Magadan, Russia; 17) AIDS Prevention and Control Center, Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District, Russia; 18) Yamalo-Nenets Regional AIDS Prevention and Control Center, Noyabrsk, Russia; 19) AIDS Prevention and Control Center, Pyt-Yakh, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District, Russia; 20) Sakhalin Regional Center for the AIDS Prevention and Control, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia; 21) Mordovian Republican Center for the AIDS Prevention and Control, Saransk, Russia; 22) Yakutsk Republican Center for the AIDS Prevention and Control, Yakutsk, Russia
Objective. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens based on elsulfavirine (ESV) in patients with HIV infection who have not previously received treatment (PASS-1).
Materials and methods. The PASS-1 study was conducted at 22 research centers in the Russian Federation and included 518 patients. All participants were prescribed ESV and 2 HIV nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). Follow-up period lasted lasted for 96 weeks. Efficacy was assessed in patients receiving first-line ART regimens (n = 241): ESV + TDF + 3TC (or FTC) and ESV + ABC + 3TC (or FTC), and safety – in all study participants.
Results. The virological and immunological efficacy of these first-line ART regimens were demonstrated. After 48 weeks of therapy, undetectable HIV RNA levels were achieved in 93.9–100% of patients, and after 96 weeks, in 85.0–97.0%. The median increase in CD4+ lymphocyte level after 48 weeks was 173.0– 222.0 cells/μl, after 96 weeks – 236.0–247.5 cells/μl. A favorable safety profile of ESV-based ART regimens has been demonstrated. ESV-associated adverse reactions (ARs) were reported in 21.6% of cases, 99.0% of which were mild or moderate. All reported ADRs were classified as uncommon or rare in frequency. ADRs of special interest accounted for only 26.1% of the total ADRs. No life-threatening or fatal adverse reactions were reported.
Conclusion. An ART regimen including ESV and 2 NRTIs can be recommended for most HIV-infected patients with starting treatment for the first time and, depending on the nucleoside backbone (TDF or ABC), is quite reasonably considered a preferred and alternative first-line ART regimen.


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About the Autors

Professor Alexey V. Kravchenko МD, Leader Researcher, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russia;;
Tatiana E Shimonova., Cand. Med. Sci., Epidemiologist, Infectious Clinical Hospital №. 2, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia;
Yana S. Ulianova, Cand. Med. Sci., Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs, City Clinical Hospital №. 1, Novosibirsk, Russia;
Anna V. Kuznetsova, Cand. Med. Sci., Chief Physician, Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Khabarovsk, Russia;
Galina N. Isaeva, Head, Outpatient Department, Leningrad Region Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, St. Petersburg, Russia;
Natalia V. Sizova, MD, Deputy Chief Physician for Outpatient Care, St. Petersburg State Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, St. Petersburg, Russia:
Alexander E. Palaguta, Deputy Chief Physician, Clinical Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Krasnodar, Russia:
Albina R. Baburina, Head. Department of Clinical Diagnostics and Medical and Social Rehabilitation, Regional Center for the AIDS Prevention and Control#,, Astrakhan, Russia:
Valery V. Shevchenko, MD, Chief Physician, Altai Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Barnaul, Russia;
Marina A. Ulchiekova, Infectious Disease Doctor, Center for the AIDS Prevention and Control, Gorno-Altaisk, Republic of Altai, Russia;
Ekaterina G. Fisenko, Head of Department, Center for the AIDS Prevention and Control,, Rostov-on-Don, Russia;
Margarita V. Radzikhovskaya, MD, Chief Physician, Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Chelyabinsk, Russia;
Vladimir B. Musatov, Cand. Med. Sci., Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs, S.P. Botkin Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital, St. Petersburg, Russia;
Elena A. Anoprienko, Infectious Disease Specialist, Head, Medical Department, Center for the AIDS Prevention and Control, Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District, Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Russia;
Natalya E. Malyugina, Infectious Disease Doctor, Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Russia;
Anastasia V. Pokrovskaya, MD, Senior Scientist, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russia;;
Olga L. Zhuravkova, Infectious Disease Doctor, Head of the Department, Magadan Regional Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS, Magadan, Russia;
Olga V. Elistratova, Infectious Disease Doctor, Head, Medical Advisory Care, Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS, Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Russia;
Ludmila U. Volova, MD, Infectious Disease Doctor, Chief Physician, Yamal-Nenets District Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Noyabrsk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia;
Aksana A. Ushakova, Infectious Disease Doctor, Head of the Department, Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS, Pyt-Yakh, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Russia;
Elena A. Lomakina, Chief Physician, Sakhalin Regional Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia; с
Maria G. Laseeva, Chief Physician, Mordovia Republican Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Saransk, Russia;
Margarita V. Terekhova, Infectious Disease Doctor, Yakut Republican Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Yakutsk, Russia;

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