Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Zambia, Lusaka
Objective. To analyze the cholera epidemic situation in the Republic of Zambia and the results of oral cholera vaccination.
Subjects and methods. Thirty-seven employees of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Zambia were vaccinated with an oral cholera vaccine during the cholera outbreak in Lusaka (Zambia) in January 2018. A total of 74 vaccine doses were administered. Vaccination coverage and tolerability were evaluated.
Results. The vaccination coverage was 90%, after which there were no cholera cases.
Conclusion. Oral cholera vaccination organized in response to the cholera epidemic in the large city is effective. It is necessary to organize the vaccination of persons in a risk area.
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For citations: Belykh O.A. A cholera outbreak and experience with a cholera vaccine in the Republic of Zambia. Èpidemiologiâ i infekcionnye bolezni. Аktual’nye voprosy 2018; (3):24–7
About the Autors
For correspondence:
Oksana A. Belykh, МD, Physician, Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Zambia, Lusaka
E-mail: osbelykh@mail.ru
ОRCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1593-205X