Sociomedical characteristics of persons in contact with hiv-infected patients

Podymova A.S., Smirnova S.S., Gusev A.G., Kadyrov L.A., Posokhova L.A.

Sverdlovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Objective. To provide sociomedical characteristics of persons who are in contact with HIV-infected patients.
Subjects and methods. This investigation was conducted in the Sverdlovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, by using the software module «Dispensary Follow-Up of the Contacted». Contact persons were divided into several dispensary follow-up groups. The findings were analyzed by sex, age, social status, education level, additional risks, and reasons for striking off the dispensary register.
Results. The introduction of the software module «Dispensary Follow-up of the Contacted» could substantially improve work with this group of persons. Different gender and age and social characteristics were established to be characterized for different types of contacts. The main risk of infection is to preserve sexual intercourse with an HIV-infected (82.0% among heterosexual partners and 82.9% among homosexual ones). The frequency of transition from HIV-negative contacts to HIV-positive ones amounted to 1.8% of the total number of those registered. The highest detection rate of HIV infection is typical for groups of partners of people living with HIV/AIDS people using intravenous drugs.
Conclusion. The medical care standard should be developed for the timely and full identification of people in contact with HIV-infected patients, their observation with examination, patronage and pre- and post-contact chemoprophylaxis.


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About the Autors

For correspondence:
Anzhelika S. Podymova, Cand. Med. Sci., Principal Physician, Sverdlovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
Address: 46, Yasnaya St., Yekaterinburg 620102, Russia
Telephone: +7(343) 240-12-54
Information about the authors:
Svetlana S. Smirnova, Cand. Med. Sci., Deputy Principal Physician on Epidemiological Issues, Sverdlovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Ekaterinburg, Russia; е-mail:
Anton G. Gusev, Head, Computer Support Department, Sverdlovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Ekaterinburg, Russia; е-mail:
Dmitry A. Kadyrov, Doctor-epidemiologist, Sverdlovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Ekaterinburg, Russia; е-mail:
Larisa A. Posokhova, Doctor-epidemiologist, Sverdlovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Ekaterinburg, Russia; е-mail:

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