Found: 2 articles

Article Edition
Pokrovskaya A.V., Barsky K.A., Korenev D.A., Petrov A.S., Kalinin A.A., Pchelin I.V., Popova A.A.
Behavioral risks for HIV infection in men who have sex with men (according to the survey results)
№3 / 2022
Popova A.A., Pokrovskaya A.V., Shedko E.D., Gromova A.V., Skachkova T.S., Goloveshkina E.N., Barsky K.A., Kalinin A.A., Pchelin I.V.
Detection rate for sexually transmitted infections by screening for three anatomic loci in at-risk patients
№4 / 2021

Бионика Медиа