Found: 3 articles

Article Edition
Tikhomirov D.S., Romanova T.Yu., Igna­tova E.N., Yaroslavtseva N.G., Tupoleva T.A., Gaponova T.V.
The place of PCR in the laboratory diagnosis of viral infections in routine practice
№4 / 2017
Chulanov V.P., Neverov A.D., Karandashova I.V., Pimenov N.N., Shipulin G.A.
Molecular genetic studies in the epidemiology of viral hepatitis: Progress and prospects
№2 / 2014
Abdurakhmanov D.T., Rozina T.P., Novikov P.I.
HBV-associated nodular polyarteriitis
№3 / 2012

Бионика Медиа