Found: 1 article

Article Edition
Borisova O.Yu., Mazurova I.K., Ivashinnikova G.A., Zakharova N.S., Mertsalova N.U., Zaitsev E.M., Salova N.Ya., Abasova F.M., Trebunskikh I.P., Skachkova V.G., Panferova R.A., Alekseyeva L.A., Yakunina O.Yu., Naretya N.D., van Gent M., Mooi F., Aleshkin V
Features of circulation B. pertussis strains isolated from whooping cough patients with different allelic variants of the gene encoding the pertussis toxin promoter (ptxP) region
№2 / 2012

Бионика Медиа