Plasmacytoma as a secondary lesion in HIV infection. A clinical case of combined severe secondary diseases


Mikhailova N.R., Mikhailovsky A.M., Plastamak O.N., Kalinina T.N., Skorovarova N.I., Nuriakhmetova O.V., Ermak T.N.

1) Orenburg State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Orenburg, Russia; 2) Orenburg Regional Clinical Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary, Orenburg, Russia; 3) Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russia
A case of solitary plasmacytoma with extensive lesions of the maxillofacial region in combination with a tuberculous process in a patient with HIV infection is presented. Antitumor therapy led to aggravation of immunodeficiency, which contributed to the development of tuberculosis with extensive drug resistance, a long course of the disease with an unfavorable prognosis.


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About the Autors

Naylia R. Мikhaylova, Cand. Med. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of epidemiology and infectious diseases, Orenburg State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Orenburg, Russia;; 0009-0006-7350-544X
Alekseу M. Mikhailovskу, MD, Сhief Medical Officer, Orenburg Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary, Orenburg, Russia;;
Oksana N. Plastamak, Phthisiatrician, Head, «Orenburgsky» branch department № 1, Orenburg Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary, Orenburg, Russia;;
Tatiana N. Kalinina, Cand. Med. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, Orenburg State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Orenburg, Russia;;
Natalya I. Skorovarova, Deputy Chief Physician for Treatment, Orenburg Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary, Orenburg, Russia,, 0009-0000-1240-7957
Olga V. Nuriachmetova, Cand. Med .Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Еpidemiology and Infectious Diseases, Orenburg State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Orenburg, Russia;;
Tatiana N. Ermak, MD, Leading Research, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russia;;

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