Central nervous system lesions in HIV-infected patients in an epidemiologically unfavorable region
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/epidem.2019.9.4.35-42
Khokhlova Z.A., Gileva R.A., Sereda T.V., Zolotukhina L.Yu., Tishkina A.P., Zakharova E.V.
1) Novokuznetsk State Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians, Branch, Russian Medical Education of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health of Russia, Novokuznetsk, Russia;
2) Novokuznetsk City Clinical Hospital Twenty-Nine, Novokuznetsk, Russia;
3) Novokuznetsk City Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital Eight, Novokuznetsk, Russia
Objective. To determine the pattern of central nervous system (CNS) lesions and to characterize their clinical and laboratory features in patients with HIV infection in Novokuznetsk.
Subjects and methods. The investigators analyzed the 2006-2018 data on the incidence of HIV infection in Novokuznetsk. They conducted a clinical, laboratory, and instrumental examination in 95 HIV-infected patients admitted to hospital for suspected neuroinfection.
Results. The incidence of HIV infection in Novokuznetsk steadily exceeds Russia’s average. The pattern of CNS lesions was established to include secondary meningitis/encephalitis in the presence of bacterial or Candida sepsis, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, cytomegalovirus encephalitis, lymphoma, HIV-associated encephalitis, encephalopathy, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Three fourths of patients had Stage 4B HIV infection (AIDS). A fatal outcome occurred in 48 cases; 7 patients were transferred to other hospitals.
Conclusion. A central nervous system lesion in HIV-infected patients in the endemic territory is recorded mainly in the late stages of the disease and is characterized by polyetiology, nonspecific clinical presentations, high mortality rates, and difficulties in clinical diagnosis and decoding of the etiology of the disease.
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Prof. Zinaida A. Khokhlova, MD, Head, Department of the Infectious Diseases, Novokuznetsk State Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians, Branch, Russian Medical Education of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health of Russia, Novokuznetsk, Russia; е-mail: zinaidaxoxlowa@yandex.ru; ORCID: 0000-0001-7306-1849.
Raisa A. Gileva, Аssociate Рrofessor, Department of the Infectious Diseases, Novokuznetsk State Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians, Branch, Russian Medical Education of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health of Russia, Novokuznetsk, Russia; е-mail: isen1938@yandex.ru; ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5535-5800
Tatyana V. Sereda, Сand. Med. Sci., Аssociate Рrofessor, Department of the Infectious Diseases, Novokuznetsk State Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians, Branch, Russian Medical Education of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health of Russia, Novokuznetsk, Russia; е-mail: stv11419@mail.ru; ORCID: http://orcid.org/ 0000 0003-2859-3832
Larisa Yu. Zolotukhina, Infectiologist, Novokuznetsk City Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital Eight, Novokuznetsk, Russia; е-mail: lara_zolotuhina@mail.ru
Anna P. Tishkina, Head of Department, Novokuznetsk City Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital Eight, Novokuznetsk, Russia; е-mail: anna.tiskina11@gmail.com; ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7234-9012
Elena V. Zakharova, Сand. Med. Sci., Principal Physician, Novokuznetsk City Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital Eight, Novokuznetsk, Russia; е-mail: elena.zacharova. 1961@mail.ru; ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6261-2112