Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases » Search Articles by Keyword
Found: 9 articles
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Abuova G.N., Pshenichnaya N.Yu., Lizinfeld I.A., Berdalieva F.A., Sadykhova D.K., Bukharbaev E.B.
«Masks» of Crimean hemorrhagic fever in medical practice
№2 / 2024
Ugleva S.V., Akimkin V.G.
Crimean hemorrhagic fever and Astrakhan spotted fever: epidemiology, clinic, system of mathematical models for predicting the manifestations of the epidemic process
№4 / 2023
Abuova G.N., Pshenichnaya N.Yu., Berdalieva F.A., Polukchi Т.V., Aliev D.S., Sadykhova D.К., Aliev E.Yu., Lizinfeld I.A., Akimkin V.G.
Crimean hemorrhagic fever in a COVID-19 patient: a clinical case
№4 / 2022
Ugleva S.V., Akimkin V.G., Ponezheva Zh.B., Vasilkova V.V., Shabalina S.V.
The comparative clinical characteristics of Astrakhan spotted fever and Crimean hemorrhagic fever in the Astrakhan Region
№2 / 2022
Mirekina E.V., Galimzyanov Kh.M., Cherenova L.P., Sherysheva Yu.V.
Differential diagnosis of Crimean hemorrhagic fever and West Nile fever
№4 / 2021
Galimzyanov Kh.M., Bedlinskaya N.R., Cherenova L.P., Mirekina E.V.
Comparative characteristics of the clinical and epidemiological features of Astrakhan rickettsial and Crimean hemorrhagic fevers
№2 / 2020
Abuova G.N., Pshenichnaya N.Yu., Berdalieva F.A., Khodzhabekov B.K., Ermakova L.A.
Prediction of an outcome in Crimean hemorrhagic fever
№4 / 2019
Abuova G.N.
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of different treatment regimens for Crimean hemorrhagic fever
№3 / 2019
Vasilenko N.F., Platonov A.E., Shayakhmetov O.Kh., Maletskaya O.V., Varfolomeyeva N.G., Bartalev S.A., Kulichenko A.N.
Zoning the Stavropol territory according to the activity of the natural focus of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever
№5 / 2013
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