Design of the optimal composition of protective media for lyophilization of the reference Yersinia pestis EV Niieg strain and its genetically modified variants that carry antibiotic resistance determinants in the genome


Lopatina N.V.

Rostov-on-Don State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Objective. To design the optimal composition of protective media for lyophilization of the reference Yersinia pestis EV NIIEG strain and its genetically engineered variants Y. pestis EVA and Y. pestis EV76R16, with chromosomal and plasmid resistance to antibiotics, respectively.
Materials and methods. The quantitative ratios of the components of the protective media based on the standard sucrose-gelatin with thiourea (SGT) medium were optimized using the mathematical experiment planning methods (PFE 23) and (PFE 24). The Monte Carlo method was used for calculations according to the licensed random number generation program. The results of experimental studies conducted on the proposed matrix were used to construct mathematical models for the processes of optimizing protection environments. The obtained models constructed for each of the Yersinia pestis EV NIIEG., Y. pestis EVA, and Y. pestis EV76R16 strains taken in the experiment, without performing natural experiments, were used to estimate virtually the optimal quantitative ratios of the components of the protective media. The effectiveness of the designed environments was tested experimentally.
Results. The protective properties of the obtained protective media using a balanced quantitative approach were increased for the reference strain by 2 times, for the EV76R16 strain by 1.5 times, and for Y. pestis EVA by 3 times as compared to the control SGT medium.
Conclusion. The use of the mathematical experiment planning methods could adjust the quantitative composition of protective media for each of the 3 strains taken in the experiment, by reducing the time of the experiment and the material costs for the depreciation of the equipment used.


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About the Autors

Natalia V. Lopatina, Сand. Med. Sci., Assistant Lecturer, Department of Hygiene, Rostov-on-don State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; е-mail:

Бионика Медиа