Structure of syphilis and gonococcal infection morbidity in different phases of the epidemic cycle

Safyannikova A.A., Botvinkin A.D., Yakubovich A.I.

1Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Directorate for the Irkutsk Region, Irkutsk 2Irkutsk State Medical University
Objective. To analyze the involvement of different social groups (by gender, age, and place of registration) in the spread of syphilis and gonorrhea at different stages of the epidemic.
Materials and methods. Based on the statistical data available in the Irkutsk Region over 1988–2013, the investigators conducted a retrospective epidemiological study of the incidence of syphilis and gonorrhea in various social groups. The average incidence rates were compared at different stages of the epidemic cycle.
Results. The incidence rates of syphilis and gonorrhea in the general population amounted to 232 and 292 per 100,000 population during in the epidemic rise (1993–1997), 125 and 155 in the decline phase (2005–2009), and 66 and 78 in 2013, respectively. Both infections were more often registered among women and the rural population in the rise phase. The highest incidence rates of syphilis and gonorrhea were recorded in the age group of 18–19 years in the rise phase and in the group of 20–29 years in the decline phase.
Conclusion. The same generation born in the late 1970s to early 1980s participated most actively in the formation of risk groups at the beginning of the epidemic and during the period of declining incidence.


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About the Autors

For correspondence: Aleksandr D. Botvinkin, botvinkin

Бионика Медиа